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Date Sermon Speaker
10/17/2010 I Will Not Leave You as Orphans
John 14:15-31
Darin Stone
10/10/2010 The Way the Truth and the Life
John 14:1-14
Darin Stone
10/3/2010 If I Do Not Wash You, You Have No Share With Me
John 13:1:38
Darin Stone
9/26/2010 How To Float Your Boat
John 4:27-42
Curt Moore
9/19/2010 The People Rejoice Because They Had Given Willingly
1 Chronicles 29:9-16
Darin Stone
9/12/2010 He Became Poor... So That You Might Become Rich
2 Corinthians 8:9
Darin Stone
9/5/2010 The Basis for Unbelief
John 12:37-50
Darin Stone